The 9 Islands Least Likely to Get Coronavirus

Here’s our list of the 9 islands least likely to get coronavirus, AKA 9 of the most remote islands on earth.

Many of us have become coronavirus refugees, fleeing from where we live to other “safer” countries, or just to get “home” to find that things are even worse there (USA and Europe anyone). Obviously, the best thing to do in these circumstances would be to just buy an island, like great patriot and man of the people Richard Branson. Alas, if you are not a genuine gazillionaire, your choices are more limited.

We’ve therefore prepared an easy list of the seven most remote islands on earth, and thus least likely to get coronavirus. We’ve also behaved like the UK Foreign and Commonwealth office by not offering any help on how to actually travel during coronavirus.

Pitcairn Island

The Pitcairn Islands, with a population of less than 50 are one of the most remote inhabited populations on earth. Aside from being famous as “Nonce Island,” they are also descended from the crew of the Mutiny of the Bounty . The only way to reach Pitcairn Island is by ship, and they no longer allow kiddie fiddling.

Tristan Da Cunha

Tristan Da Cunha has a population of around 260 people, and its capital city, the imaginatively titled “Edinburgh of the Seven Seas,” lays claim to being the most remote settlement on earth. The government here is actually desperate to have people move here, although the elephant in the room, or rather volcano, is the volcano that could go off at any time. Tristan Da Cunha can only be reached by mail ship.

Palmerston Island

Palmerston Island was founded when this remote part of the Cook Islands was gifted to William Masters. He then brought his wife and two her two sisters, who he promptly married. Now all the 50, or so families that live on the island are descended from him. If ever there was a case for a place that needed a fresh bit of juice in its gene pool, it is here. #JustSaying

North Sentinel Island

Not as out of the way as many of the other islands we have mentioned, nor really that hard to get to, as many an Indian fisherman has found out. The issue here is the locals, and they are simply not that friendly. The Sentinel Islands are technically part of India, but in reality, have de-facto independence, which is staunchly protected. Last year they killed a Christian missionary, so if you do decide to come here, you’ll need more protection than a bible.

Principality of Sealand

Not exactly an island, in fact not exactly a country, or not exactly anything of the norm. A World War 2 sea-fort that a chap called Mr. Bates seized in 1967 and slowly but surely turned into worlds most notorious micronation. Current population – one caretaker. Assuming he is COVID-19 free, that makes Sealand a great place to claim corona-asylum.

Coffee Island AKA The Principality of Islandia

Sticking with the weird micro nation theme, we have this rather small island off of the coast of Belize. It does not fit into our inhabited category, as well no one lives there, but the owners would probably let anyone go there if they agreed to build something. The world’s first crowdfunded micro-nation, and you get to be permanent resident number 1!

Bishop Rock

The world’s smallest island with a building on it, according to those fine chaps at Guinness. Near the stupidly named Isles of Scilly, this island gets smashed the shit out of it by waves. Amazingly the lighthouse built in 1858 still stands. Its 30 kilometres from the UK, not that hard to get to, and you will get to live with the lighthouse keeper and his wife.

The Falkland Islands

This famously definitely British set of islands off the coast of Argentina, Margaret Thatcher, great lady of the people, once fought a war for them, which helped her win an election (read Trump and Johnson during coronavirus). Lots of pubs and worst-case scenario Argentina invades, the food and wine get better, and you instead live in the “Malvinas.”

St Helena

This UK owned island is almost 2000 km from the nearest country of Angola. There are about 4500 people that call St Helena home, and it is a famous stopping point for ships travelling from Europe to Asia. St Helena has genuine bonafide isolationism star attraction value. This is where famous little man leader Napoleon Bonaparte lived for six years in exile from 1815 to 1821, and well, if it’s good enough for Napoleon.

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