Coffin Dancers

Unless you have been stuck under a rock for the last two months, you will no doubt have noticed the latest and dare we say the greatest meme since the fat kid singing “maaayyya heeeeeeeeee” many years ago.

But, what is the story of the coffin dance and those crazy Ghanaian pallbearers? At Weird World Wire, we are here to answer the tough questions.

If you’ve not seen the viral coffin dancer meme, then it goes a little something like this. Six Ghanaian pallbearers are dancing and busting some shit hot moves whilst essentially juggling a coffin to the backdrop of some serious Russian techno by Tony Iggy. To get a proper look, either google coffin dancer meme, or check out this video below:

Now being a meme, this has obviously now gone bat shit crazy with lego versions, pig versions, Trump versions and a particularly amusing ISIS version that we posted on our FB page.

The big tune in the background was written by the aforementioned Tony Iggy, but a long, long time ago in a galaxy far far away. Initially, the track which was written in 2010 was used on TikTok. You might have missed it on TikTok because it is only used by 15-year-old girls and guys that like to look at 15-year-old girls. But now it has hit the mainstream, and the previously almost unheard of Tony Iggy is now becoming a bit of a star.

You can read more about Iggy here.

So what the fuck is the coffin dancer meme all about?

Pictured Above: A fish coffin in Ghana

In Ghana, they take funerals really seriously. Coffins tend not to be the traditional type, but can be anything from cars to spaceships. We do not shit you.

And it was under this backdrop of celebrating life rather than crying like a baby about death that the dancing pallbearers came about. Much like in Korea, where mourners are paid to cry, the Dancing Pallbearers of Accra are paid to make a death dance party.

Now a white kid has decided to mix Ghanaian pallbearers with Russian synthesized techno to create the coffin dance meme.

And if you stop and listen hard enough, you can almost hear the SJW’s scream CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, which was exactly what I felt when I saw the suits they were wearing……

Here’s a link to our favorite coffin based meme.

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