The Boogaloo Rises

In the glorious, normal year that was 2019 in niche corners of the internet, such as Reddit, Facebook groups, and 4chan, a movement began. The movement was called the Boogaloo. From its initial beginnings as an internet movement and the subject of memes, nobody expected them to actually take physical form. But as the George Floyd riots engulf America, the Boogaloo boys appeared in their natural territory.

The people who align themselves to the Boogaloo movement are largely pro-gun Americans on the left and ring political sphere who believe that the country is en-route to a second American Civil War. Initially, the group warned its fellow Americans to stock up on guns and ammunition due to the introduction of “Red flag” laws that allow the US government to temporarily seize firearms from people who are dangers to themselves or others. Boogaloo members claim that this would subsequently “bring on the boogaloo” in the form of a civil war.

The name Boogaloo refers to a god-awful 1980s dance movie called Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo. The movie was a hugely unpopular sequel that was basically a mirror image of the first movie. Thus, adding Electric Boogaloo to a phrase became a joking reference to any unwanted or archetypical sequel.

So what do members of the Boogaloo call themselves? Due to increasing internet censorship in the West, its members have been forced to get pretty creative to avoid getting flagged by moderators on various forums. Boogaloo members often call themselves the Boojihadeen in reference to the Mujaheddin of Afghanistan, who fought the Soviets in a guerilla war.

The Boojahideen covertly refer to the Boogaloo as the boog, the big igloo, or the blue igloo. The uniform of a Boojahideen is a combination of a Hawaiian shirt with military clothing and equipment. Various unofficial flags have appeared based on the US flag, with a blue igloo replacing the stars and stripes and a Hawaiian shirt pattern replacing one stripe.

Like many political aspects that the braindead mainstream media cannot fathom to understand, the Boogaloo boys were instantly branded far-right, nazis, etc. In the real world, the members of the Boogaloo come from a variety of spicy political backgrounds. There are undoubtedly some far-right neo-fascists in its ranks alongside anti-racists. A bizarre organization indeed, but all generally believe in accelerationism that will bring about an inevitable civil war and the collapse of US society.

Whilst many believed that the movement was nothing more than an online joke on obscure message boards and forums, the Boogaloo became a physical presence in 2020 during a variety of incidents which propelled the movement from a niche area known by only a few people to a viral sensation leading to countless new members of the movement.

As Coronavirus swept across the US, Boojahideen appeared in armed groups on the streets, protesting the government lockdown as an infringement of their civil liberties. As President Trump tweeted about ‘Liberating US States under lockdown,’ the Boojahideen found natural encouragement. Thousands of new Boogaloo organizations appeared on social media in the weeks following, leading to a ban on the term Boogaloo and related words on Facebook and Instagram.

In early March of 2020, members of the Boogaloo were fiercely roused up following the infamous no-knock raid on the house of Duncan Lemp in Maryland. Lemp was the leader of a prominent Boogaloo Facebook group and was shot and killed by police whilst he slept during the silent raid. Police claimed Lemp was in breach of his restriction for possessing firearms, whilst Boojahideen claim he was killed for his position in the movement and his anti-government stance.

Duncan Lemp was turned into a martyr of the movement following the killing, which led to fear of violent anti-government attacks as a result. The next month, a Boojahideen member named Aaron Swenson was arrested after an intense police chase. On a live stream, he claimed to be hunting police officers to ambush and was found to be wearing a Hawaiian shirt and carrying body armor, loaded firearms, and ammo.

Following the killing of George Floyd in police custody this month, various protests saw members of the Boogaloo appear in their characteristic Hawaiian shirts and military fatigues. The weird political divides amongst the Boojahideen became clear at the protests, with some aligning themselves to the Black Lives Matter movement, some providing armed protection to protestors and others desiring outright anarchy.

Various Facebook groups encouraged the Boojahideen to become copycat ‘Rooftop Koreans.’ This is a reference to the Koreans who, during the LA Riots in 1992, took the law into their own hands and shot looters whilst defending their stores. So far, the posts have not been realized in reality.

Stay safe America, and if shit really does hit the fan, don’t be outdone by the Boojahideen and check out our article on the must-have items you need to survive the apocalypse.

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