Beijing Introduces Higher Fines for Spitting, Defecating and Littering

Beijing is known for making rules and prohibiting bad behaviors without mentioning what the punishments will be. However, this week, rule-makers of the city are finally daring to get particular about punitive measures.

It’s now confirmed spitting, public defecation and urination, setting leaves on fire and littering will fine you 50RMB to 200RMB. Spitting previously was 20RMB to 50RMB depending on the case according to the Beijing Daily.

It’s also been noted that throwing or dopping items from your apartment window may cost you between 500RMB to 2,000RMB and further up to 20,000RMB for businesses. Families at home may also be charged 500 RMB for making excessive loud noises within residential compounds.

According to a law professor from Anhui University, the exact price you will pay for your defenestration will depend on the level of danger the item posed and whether the item was thrown with the intention of hitting someone.

Of course, the efficacy of any law not only depends on the dissuasiveness of the fine but also on regular and impartial enforcement. Until fines are actually handed out, as they eventually were with smoking indoors, it’s unlikely that we’ll see an end to these nefarious behaviors any time soon.

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