Sites like fetlife - Weirdest sex games

Weird and wonderful Sites like fetlife – 5 of the best alternatives

Are there sites like Fetlife? The short answer is yes and no – there are some sites with shared functions, some that are similar, but only one in our mind that is full on just better.

If you’re a disenfranchised fetlife user then you are not the only one, with “How do I delete my fetlife account” being a trending Google term. Essentially Fetlife set out to be the king of Kinky personals and ended up being a crap dating site dominated by dick pics. Is Facebook different to Fetlife? You decide.

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So, you wanna leave Fetlife – lets get started.

How to delete Fetlife account/How to delete fetlife profile?

Want to know how to delete your fetlife account? Go on settings select deactivate, or delete my account and then you’re done.. Alternatively you can go onto the delete profile option here:

Fellife might be shit, but they are less a-holes than Facebook at least.

Sites like fetlife – Ignore the Google Bots

In case you had missed the memo the internet is mostly full of shit, worse still shit that wants you to pay for shit. People are pushing similar sites to Fetlife, but not really – what they are trying to do is push paid fetish dating sites that not only cost a ton, but are staffed by Pakistani boys pretending to be ladies.

Is there an Adult Friendly Social Media Platform?

What is Fetlife? People misunderstand because it was supposed to be more adult friendly social media platform, but has more descended into a dick swinging sausage fest of a dating site. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

There are though a few adult friendly social media platforms out there, although alas not all that many.

Weird and wonderful Sites like fetlife – 5 of the best alternatives

OK, so actually there are so few sites that fit the bill here, so we have included a few curveballs into the mix. In fact there are very few “sites like fetlife”, or at least ones providing the services we kinksters wanted from Fetlife.

We’ve therefore thrown in some clangers, or ones we just really like, although they all fit into the kinkcter vibe.

Chatturbate – an alternative free-cams site to Fetlife

Sites like fetlife
Sites like fetlife

A portmanteau of Chatter and Masturbate, oh what is not to love right? This is not a site like fetlife, nor is it a community as such. It is though the best cam site to get your rocks off for free.

Podopeheleus – The Thinking mans alternative for fetlife

This is not a community, nor is it even Kinkster chat, what it is is the king of Kink! He talks has interviews and he even writes books covering a swath of the world of Kink. Worth following if you are a Kinkster of any persuasion. Links to other weird sites that are better than fetlife.

OnlyFans – The professionals alternative for  fetlife

If you’ve read this far then you probably know all too well about OnlyFans. No this is not an affiliate link. Only fans might be most famous for paying chicks to play their baps, but there is much more to it. When the big guns shut out sex workers these guys jumped in and saved the day. We salute you only fans.

You are hough paying these guys, or girls! OnlyFans is party a site like fetlife, but can you get laid from OnlyFans? No you cannot.

Adult Dating Sites – Sites like fetlife to get laid

There is a difference between a Kinkster and someone who is just horny, but to be fair they can and do often meet in the middle too! We’ve linked to a swathe of adult dating sites that will do the trick if you want to get your rocks off. Quite how much fetsish chat you will manage is down to who you meet.

Orgasmic Ways – The ONLY adult friendly social media platform

Sites like fetlife
Sites like fetlife

If you’ve worked out how to delete your Fetlife account, but now find yourself in a BDSM hookup or bondage chat bind then there is now an alternative for you. OrgasmicWats is a genuine FREE Adult Ftiendly Social Media platform, this is not some paid affiliate we get bucks for pushing, more the shame. We do though have active account here…..

Looking for weird alternative sites like fetlife – join OrgasmicWays here .

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