Lets talk dommes. Up to now I have visited 4 Dommes and they couldn’t be more different from one another. Furthermore, I don’t paint them all with the same brush, please allow me to explain.
How to approach a Domme?
I strongly advise before reaching out to a Domme you should go through their website with a fine-tooth comb.
Why is that important?
Because each Domme has her own personality and has her own set of rules, even though there are many similarities between Dommes. Take one example. Dommes do not offer sex services. Additionally, that would cross the line into prostitution.
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How do Dommes differentiate themselves from other Dommes?

Let’s look at some of my favorite examples.
1. Sweaty Feet sessions
I frequently session with a Domme that offers a wonderful sweaty feet session experience. This particular Domme takes sweaty feet sessions very seriously, working out before every session in her old gym trainers without socks and that’s clearly stated on her website. However, there are many Dommes that do not offer this service or it is not listed on their website. So, if sweaty feet is not listed on a Dommes website, I use a different approach. I will not email that particular Domme asking to book a sweaty feet session because Dommes do not consent to assumptions.
Erm… Is this statement true or false? 🤔
Anyhoo, If I am filling out a submit form I will list it in my kinks. If I am sending an email yet again I’d mention it as part of my kinks and sexual interests. Alternatively, you can put the question forward in a polite manner. Take into consideration this will be left at the discretion of the Domme. This approach is better than asking a Domme how much do her feet smell?
Ever wondered how to make sweet love to a mouth? Read here.
They are certain things you just don’t say to a Domme. To learn more about this topic, I strongly recommend novice submissives to read this blog 👇
What not to say to a Dominatrix – https://www.podopheleus.com/what-not-to-say-to-a-dominatrix/
2. Roleplay Scripts
I frequently session with a Domme where I send her roleplay scripts near enough every session. She absolutely loves them! I will send her a message prior to our session and I would ask her what she would prefer. For me to send her my roleplay scripts or I will leave the roleplay scenarios in her capable hands. She will usually message back to say
“You know I love your imagination”
However, not every Domme feels the same way about roleplay scripts. Some Dommes find roleplay scripts exhausting to read and some Dommes have clearly stated this on their websites. So, if a Domme has stated this on her website I will undeniably not send her one of my roleplay scripts.
Because it will come across as disrespectful and that i can’t follow simple instructions. Furthermore, it’s very likely I won’t get to session with that particular Domme.
That’s not to say that this particular Domme does not enjoy roleplay sessions; it just means that she does not accept scripted scenarios.
This is why it is essential to read each Dommes website with a fine-tooth comb.
Please be advised without any reason is it acceptable to bad-mouth this particular Domme to another Domme for not accepting scripted scenarios. To learn more about this topic, I strongly recommend novice submissives to read my blog 👇
The dangers of bad-mouthing a Domme to another Domme. – https://www.podopheleus.com/bad-mouthing-a-domme/
3. Emails, Mobile Numbers, DMs and Whatsapp
As already mentioned, up to now I have visited 4 Dommes. Additionally, I have made a small investment by paying a deposit for a CoViD19 Advance Booking Special Offer session.
Nevertheless, I haven’t yet had the pleasure of meeting this particular Domme in person.
So, I have communicated with each Domme differently. The Domme I frequently session with the most, I communicate with via Whatsapp. Sometimes we also speak on direct messenger on IG. However, when I initially approached her I went through the submit form on her website and then we began communicating with each other via email and now we communicate via Whats app. I used to communicate with one of the Dommes via phone. I would phone her to book a session.
The other Dommes I communicate with via email. I do not have their mobile numbers. Some Dommes clearly state on their social media that DMs will be ignored. However, I have had conversations with Dommes via DM. Never regards to arranging sessions though. Nevertheless, it is essential to respect your Dommes requests and privacy. Of course this is the reason why communication is key. The Domme I session with the most, gave me permission to message her any time I want. However, I’m not going to take that for granted by messaging her at 3am. Oddly enough, she once posted on her social media that a submissive contacted her at 3am to book a session. Welp. Did he get an ear bashing? Additionally, he was immediately disregarded. Nobody can argue with the fact that this piece of information should have been included on her status 🤣

Come on, guys. It is all a matter of common sense.
4. Names and Titles, Addressing Dommes?
Names: first and foremost, it is essential to spell and to pronounce your Dommes name correctly. A Dommes name connects to her personal identity and distinctiveness.
Titles: what title does your Domme choose to go by? For instance – Miss, Mistress, Goddess, Domina etc.
Addressing Dommes: some Dommes prefer to be addressed by their title and name whilst other Dommes prefer to be addressed by their title or their name.
As noted earlier, locating that information requires going through your Dommes website with a fine-tooth comb.
In summation
Don’t paint every Domme with the same brush.
Never compare a Domme to another Domme.
Each Domme has her own distinctive personality, nevertheless, all Dommes, should be treated equally.
There we have it guys. I hope you enjoy reading – Don’t paint every Domme with the same brush. Feel free to hit me up on Twitter and Instagram, or via the site.
Much Kink Love